Lucky Loonie Noodles

Nood Shop


Shio Ramen

Salt-based soup broth

Shio means salt in Japanese. Lighter in colour and sometimes near clear, shio ramen is a traditional ramen style. The soup base is made from salt, chicken, fish, vegetables and sea weed.

Tonkotsu Ramen

Pork bone-based soup broth

Tonkotsu means pork bone-broth in Japanese. Thick, creamy and often a pale colour from pork marrow that has been simmered into broth itself, Tonkotsu is the holy grail of ramen broth when done right.

Miso Ramen

Miso-based soup broth

Miso is made from a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans with salt and kōji. Miso can taste salty, sweet, earthy, or savory depending on how it is fermented. This is a vegetarian's blank canvas of ramen broths.

Shoyu Ramen

Soy sauce-based soup broth

Shoyu means soy sauce in Japanese. A common broth, it relies heavily on its tare and dashi for its flavour. Not to be confused with miso, shoyu also relies on fermented soybeans to produce the soy sauce base.

DIY Ramen Essentials

Spicy Chilli Oil

Spicy chilli oil is a noodle essential.

Easy enough to make yourself, Chilli oil can be boasted on noodles, dumplings and salad. A must have pantry item that's better homemade.

Spicy Chilli Oil

Momofuku's Soy Sauce Eggs

A mainstay of ramen: Soy Sauce Eggs

Food 52 has a tested and true recipe for easy soy sauce eggs.

Show Me Eggs

Ramen Tare

Ramen tare will level up all ramen.

Tare is a concentrated flavouring agent of Japanese soups you can add to any ramen broth. Consider adding tare alongside flavouring packs.